“Students need to take pride in the school they attend. These renovations will help shift students’ thinking about what learning means to them, and will help them embrace learning rather than running away from it. Now, anything is possible.
– Dr. Viviana Litovsky, Director

New Science Lab at Westbridge Academy - private special education school, Bloomfield NJ

Science teacher Lauren Thompson, with students T’kai and Kaerah, like the new science lab.

Changes at 60 West Street are bringing new excitement about learning for students at Westbridge Academy. The 75-year-old brick building — which has been home to Westbridge Academy since the school opened more than 40 years ago — was structurally sound, but needed repairs and upgrades.

School leadership initiated a multi-step plan to make physical improvements to the learning environment.

New Media Center, Westbridge Academy, private special education school, Bloomfield NJ

Cristian likes the new media lounge

Westbridge reconfigured the floor plan to add two new classrooms, a science lab, and a media center; upgraded and reconfigured clinical rooms to improve privacy and reduce noise; and installed new classroom furniture and fixtures to maximize learning.

The changes will also save on energy costs. As part of an ongoing “green strategy,” the renovations included the installation of energy efficient windows and a new HVAC system with fresh air technology, along with new floor and carpeting to reduce allergens and dust.

New Music Studio, Westbridge Academy, Bloomifield, NJ, private special education school

Omari likes the new music room

One of the most exciting changes is the new science lab, which includes workstations where students can carry out experiments, enhancing the hands-on learning of a STEAM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts, Mathematics).

The new media lab, with computers and hi-speed internet connections, will infuse technology into lesson plans.

According to the school’s Director, Dr. Viviana Litovsky, the physical space affects psychological thinking.

“Westbridge Academy is fortunate to have a generous base of private supporters who help make these renovations possible. We could not do our work without them,” concludes Dr. Litovsky.

Thank You!
Westbridge Academy thanks Paul and Jill Zaitchick for their ongoing and deep commitment to our students and our school.