Workshop: Social and Emotional earning for Studetns with Disabilities

Workshop: Social and Emotional Learning for Students with Disabilities

Featuring Featuring Erin Bruno, MA

Friday, March 16, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Westbridge Academy Auditorium
60 West Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Download the Event Flyer


Networking lunch follows the event

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Presentation Description:

In this presentation, we will explore concrete strategies for emotional regulation, respectful communication and prosocial problem solving. Attendees will learn how to develop strategies for ‘overlearning’ so youth have access to skills under stress.

Attendees will learn:

  • The vital importance of social and emotional learning.
  • How to develop skills for “overlearning”.
  • The difference between knowledge and skill.
  • How to teach skills for emotional regulation and respectful communication.
  • How to teach skills for prosocial problem solving.

About Our Presenter:

Erin Bruno is the Coordinator for Rutgers, the State University’s Behavioral Health Care Social Decision Making/Problem Solving Program and faculty member of the Social Emotional Learning Academy. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of emotional intelligence, social and emotional learning, conflict resolution, and anger management. A sought-after speaker, she has presented at many conferences across the United States and has assisted in writing and publishing the Social Decision Making and Problem Solving Curriculums. She has worked extensively with administrators, teachers, mental health professionals, parents and students.

Register for the Workshop Now
For additional information contact Contact Portia Wiggins, 973-429-8110 ext. 143, or email