Caring comes first: a culture of caring permeates everything we do at Westbridge Academy.
We are a unique school in which students with behavioral, emotional and learning disabilities learn how to face their issues to forge productive, fulfilling lives.
With warmth and a progressive, nurturing approach, we provide a dependable, structured environment that supports every student’s well-being – one day, one child at a time. Our objective is to help each student reach his or her full potential by strengthening academic and social skills through an individualized therapeutic and educational program.
Accredited by the State of New Jersey to serve students from public schools, we focus our sights on returning students to their local school districts with enhanced confidence, coping skills, abilities and knowledge. We also conduct state testing right at the school, so there is no need to transport the students to another venue.
- Classes are held September through June, Monday through Friday from 8:50 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
- Westbridge Academy is a founding member of ASAH (serving the private special education community) and the National Association of Private Special Education Centers (NAPSEC).