Join Us for a Car Show and Wellness Fair!

Join us on Friday, June 6, 2025, from 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM for our upcoming Car Show & Wellness Fair, an inspiring community event celebrating classic cars, wellness resources, career development, and family fun — all while supporting our school’s mission. Click here to learn more about the events of the day and our special guests. Or get free tickets or register for sponsorships now.

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Dr. Anthony Hadzimichalis

From the Executive Director’s Desk: What Happens in the “Extra Mile”

This year is Westbridge Academy's Golden Anniversary, celebrating 50 years of providing high quality educational and therapeutic services to thousands of students for whom we went the "extra mile." Moments like this give us the opportunity to reflect, and ask, what happens in that extra mile?

From the Director’s Desk: Resilience

At Westbridge Academy, learning is intentionally rooted in resilience. Across every content area, we teach students to make a plan, pace themselves, take steps and implement them intentionally, reflect by taking breaks, and then repeat that process, making changes as dictated by successes and failures.

Social and Emotional Problem-Solving

This fall, School Principal, Dr. Anthony Hadzimichalis brought the entire staff together - classroom teachers, clinical staff, aides, specialists and administrators – to review the new competencies, and ensure that measurable social and emotional learning objectives are front and center in the curriculum.

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