A research report published in the journal Child Development, found that students who participated in programs that taught social, emotional, and behavioral skills, improved in their grades and standardized-test scores by 11 percentile points when compared with nonparticipating students. The report analyzed 213 studies involving over 270,000 students in kindergarten through grade 12.

According to the researchers, the impact of social, emotional, and behavioral instruction was equivalent to moving a student currently in the middle of his or her class academically to the top 40 percent of his or her peers.

In addition, when compared with their peers, the students involved in social, emotional, and behavioral instruction significantly improved in five additional key areas: (a) they demonstrated greater social skills, (b) less emotional stress, (c) better attitudes, (d) fewer conduct problems (such as bullying and suspensions), and (e) more prosocial behavioral – such as cooperating with and helping other students.

Click here for Report Abstract

The Stop & Think Social Skills Program
A Nationally-Acclaimed, Evidence-Based Program Supports Students Success

The Stop & Think Social Skills Program (from preschool through high school) is the anchor to Project ACHIEVE’s evidence-based school-wide positive behavioral support system which helps schools to address discipline, behavior management, student self-management, and school safety. Used in thousands of schools across the country, the Stop & Think Program has demonstrated its positive impact on student self-management, office discipline referrals, and academic outcomes in schools nationwide. Project ACHIEVE is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices and has helped 1,500 schools nationwide during the last 20 years to meet important student, staff, and school goals. Westbridge Academy is proud to be participating in Project ACHIEVE and to share the following resources with you.

Stop & Think Social Skills Program

The Stop & Think Social Skills Program is a social skills program that teaches students, from preschool through high school, the interpersonal, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and coping skills that they need to get along in school – with peers and teachers. It is one of the top evidence-based social skills programs in the country, and it focuses on teaching behavioral skills such as listening, following directions, asking for help, accepting consequences, dealing with teasing, responding to peer pressure, etc. It is available through Sopris West Educational Services, or on the Project ACHIEVE website.

Stop & Think Music CD and Skill Posters

The recently-released the Stop & Think Music CD and Skill Posters for the preschool through grade 1 levels helps build important social skill. The Music CD “teaches” 14 of the most important Stop & Think Social Skills through newly composed songs that are sung in different, engaging musical styles – many with an accompanying children’s chorus. Parents and teachers across the country are just loving this CD – many buying them for their young children as gifts for home instruction. The posters reinforce these 14 skills by outlining the steps to each skill. In addition, each poster has the lyrics to its CD song printed on the side opposite the skill steps. To listen to three sample songs from the CD, to see some sample posters, and for more ordering information click here.

Stop & Think Parenting Book with its 75-minute Instructional DVD

The Stop and Think Parenting Book: A Guide to Children’s Good Behavior is based on the nationally-acclaimed and evidence-based Stop & Think Social Skills Program.  Accompanied by its 75 minute demonstration DVD, this program teaches parents how to teach their children the interpersonal, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills that will help them succeed in all settings. Focusing on the preschool to late elementary school age span, the Stop & Think Parenting Book helps teach children over 20 important behavioral skills—Listening, Following Directions, How to Interrupt, Accepting Consequences and Apologizing, Dealing with Teasing, How to Handle Peer Pressure—and how to use them in real life. For more ordering information click here.


Teaching Students Classroom and Building Routines and Safety Skills

This electronic book describes Project ACHIEVE’s evidence-based Stop & Think Social Skills Program, along with how to teach over 100 Classroom and Building Routines (How to Enter a Classroom, Participating in a Classroom Discussion, How to Transition from One Activity to Another, Walking in the Hallway) at the prekindergarten to Grade 1, Grades 2 and 3, Grades 4 and 5, and Middle School levels. These skills help make the common areas of your school safer, and they help students to manage their own behavior in these important settings and situations.

Single Unit Price: $34.95
Site License Price: $149.95

Click here for more information or to order.


How to Implement a School-wide Discipline System that Increases Students’ Prosocial Skills and Decreases Teasing and Bullying

This electronic book describes a school-wide approach to decrease teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, and physical aggression in a school using the six critical components that make up Project ACHIEVE’s evidence-based Positive Behavioral Self-Management System (PBSS): (a) the Stop & Think Social Skills Program; (b) the development of a school-wide student accountability systems; (c) ways to increase staff and student consistency; (d) how to keep the common areas of a school safe and prevent teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, and physical aggression; (e) crisis prevention, intervention, and response; and (f) the importance of home and community outreach.

Single Unit Price: $29.95
Site License Price: $119.95

Click here for more information or to order.


How to Create a School-wide Behavioral Accountability System Resulting in Student Responsibility and Staff Consistency

This electronic book discusses the step-by-step process whereby schools develop consistent grade-level and school-wide behavioral standards that hold students accountable to the school’s discipline and behavior management system. By organizing behavioral expectations into a “Behavioral Matrix,” staff and administrators have a written “roadmap” that identifies expected student behaviors and helps staff to consistently respond to inappropriate behavior.

Single Unit Price: $34.95
Site License Price: $149.95

Click here for more information or to order.


For more information about Project ACHIEVE including free technical assistance papers and Powerpoints from recent presentations visit the Project ACHIEVE website or contact Dr. Howie Knoff at or 501-312-1484.

Building Strong Schools to Strengthen Student Outcomes is a Registered Trademark of Project ACHIEVE Incorporated. ©2010. All rights reserved.