Student Activities

Students Getting Stronger with Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday is an innovative new program designed to engage students in building strength, both inside and out. Offered to middle and high school students as part of the physical education curriculum, the program allows teens to plan personal fitness goals, and use the school’s new fitness room to achieve them.

Social and Emotional Problem-Solving

This fall, School Principal, Dr. Anthony Hadzimichalis brought the entire staff together - classroom teachers, clinical staff, aides, specialists and administrators – to review the new competencies, and ensure that measurable social and emotional learning objectives are front and center in the curriculum.

Oh! The Places They Will Go!

Last June, five students at Westbridge Academy stepped up to accept a diploma and stepped out into the world. Each one of these young people left Westbridge with plans for the future, and the connections needed to make them happen.

Jovan: A True Success Story

Jovan with Tamara Villagran When 18-year-old Jovan Rodriguez graduates from Westbridge Academy this June, he will take pride and personal growth with him. [...]

Lots to be thankful for!

On November 25, 2015, staff and students joined together to break bread and celebrate the Westbridge Academy annual Holiday Feast. It is an event that everyone looks forward to with great anticipation.

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