Dr. Anthony Hadzimichalis, Executive Director
The findings are clear. Students are suffering during this pandemic. They are burned out, isolated, anxious, stressed, and depleted. They miss their friends, teachers, routines, and day-to-day connections. They are losing ground academically. And for those with disabilities, the challenges are amplified.
In short: they are experiencing prolonged trauma.
But just as social-emotional learning (SEL) needs to shift into high gear, most schools are focused on the mechanics and details of shifting to remote learning. They are trying to deliver academic content, and hoping students will be able to simply log on, and learn.
While no one could have been ready for this, Westbridge is uniquely prepared because here, SEL comes first – it is the foundation of our work and central to our mission. We know that when our students feel connected and have the tools they need to self-regulate, they are ready to learn. Without SEL, their tank is empty.
At Westbridge Academy, remote learning does not mean we are “distanced.” In fact, in some ways, we are closer than ever. We are using our virtual spaces to check in on students, asking them open-ended questions, and allowing them to share their experiences. Our first goal is to see how they are coping and to make sure they have the support they need. Then, and only then, can the academic learning happen.
Our core values of self-sufficiency, self-worth, caring, supportive environment, and collaboration have never been more important, or more evident. Every day, we meet students where they are and help them address their challenges, so they are ready to learn.
There is a silver lining to all of this. Part of our “new normal” has actually increased connections and strengthened relationships with our students, and their families. Our students’ attendance is better than ever, and we are supporting them through comprehensive, wrap-around supports.
We do not know what the next days, weeks or months hold, but we do know that we are responsive and ready to deliver what our students need, wherever they happen to be.