While COVID-19 may have prevented our doors from opening, it did not prevent our students from learning or our teachers from teaching. In fact, the transition to distance learning happened literally overnight at Westbridge Academy, with school leaders coming to the building to ship and deliver devices to EVERY SINGLE student’s home so they were ready to learn.

Here is what is happening at Westbridge Academy:

  • The building is open from 8:00AM- 4:30PM for staff.
  • Every day, from 9:00AM until 1:00PM, our students have access to live personalized instruction and related services.
  • 100% of our students have Chromebooks to work in a remote environment.
  • 100% of staff have access to the remote learning environment through Google and Zoom accounts, and Chromebooks.
  • 100% of staff have a school issued cell phone so they can remain in constant contact with students, who can call or text at any time.
  • 100% of our students have access to the remote environment, through hotspots and direct connection to Wi-Fi.
  • Students who are difficult to engage in the brick and mortar environment are now more engaged in the virtual environment.
  • Students continue to show engagement in Google Classrooms – at all hours of the day.
  • Relationships between school and home have become stronger.
  • Student-centered individualized instruction is delivered by multiple staff members via multiple platforms: Google Classroom, phone calls, BrainPop, i-Ready, IXL, Zoom and more.