Join Us for a Car Show and Wellness Fair!

Join us on Friday, June 6, 2025, from 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM for our upcoming Car Show & Wellness Fair, an inspiring community event celebrating classic cars, wellness resources, career development, and family fun — all while supporting our school’s mission. Click here to learn more about the events of the day and our special guests. Or get free tickets or register for sponsorships now.

WBA Car Show and Wellness fair banner image


Direct Instruction Turns Non-Readers Around

Spearheaded by Tania Miller, Westbridge Academy’s Reading Specialist, the school has launched a new reading initiative, and the opportunity to receive one-on-one reading intervention to help increase their reading skills.

From Learning to Read, to Reading to Learn

When a new student arrives at Westbridge Academy, educators begin by assessing reading levels, and designing an instructional plan to move them from where they are, to where they need to be. Most students can be supported through intensive reading instruction in the classroom, but some need more help

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