Latest News and Information

Latest News and Information2020-02-22T18:02:46-05:00
111, 2015

WBA Tribute to Mr. Yogi Berra

By |November 1st, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

While the world knew Yogi Berra as a baseball great and an accidental philosopher, the staff and leadership at Westbridge Academy recall him as a man of deep compassion, conviction, and generosity. Mr. Berra was an early supporter of Westbridge Academy and cared deeply about our students.

2010, 2015

2015-2016 Speaker Series: Howard F. Knoff, Ph.D.

By |October 20th, 2015|Categories: Workshops|

Over the years, there have been a string of “new and improved” approaches for our challenging students: school-wide bullying programs, trauma sensitive schools, zero tolerance, restorative justice, and mindfulness. What all of these efforts share is an emphasis on self-management. This presentation will describe the science and practice that helps students learn and demonstrate social, emotional, and behavioral self-management.

2901, 2015

Classroom Management for Students with Behavioral and Emotional Acting Out

By |January 29th, 2015|Categories: Learning Support, Life Skills, Social Skills|

Classroom management protocol that is developed by Dr. Buzz Mingin will be demonstrated and taught for teacher and related staff utilization. The protocol can address students from self-contained to less restricted environments, and for school environments that utilize token economy and those without.

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