Silver Lining: Virtual Events Reach Hundreds of Educators
For more than a decade, Westbridge Academy has offered professional development seminars twice a year at no cost. When COVID restrictions prohibited in person gatherings, Westbridge took the events online, opening the virtual “doors” for far more guests to attend.
Mission Possible
Westbridge Academy's “Bridges to Home” events offer fun structured activities for students and their families, designed to deepen connections and build positive relationships.
Thought Leader for Inclusive Education
Dr. Viviana Litovsky was recently invited by leaders at NJDOE to join the Inclusion Leadership Development Group. The group is charged with developing suggestions or guidance for New Jersey schools on inclusive efforts.
Art to Lift the Heart
While students were on remote learning, Westbridge Academy art teacher, Alice Juliano, kept the creative flames burning with projects designed to both reach and teach!
Intakes During COVID-19
Many school districts have expressed interest in placing students with us, so we are offering options. Most districts and families have told us they prefer in-person intakes. Safety is always first.
Getting Connected: Now More than Ever, Connections Matter
Leaders at Westbridge have extended our school’s tech support team to help families and students, ensuring they have the devices and internet services they need.
Students Are Learning at Westbridge Academy
While COVID-19 may have prevented our doors from opening, it did not prevent our students from learning or our teachers from teaching.
Remote Learning Does Not Mean We Are ‘Distanced’: Social and Emotional Learning During a Pandemic
At Westbridge Academy, remote learning does not mean we are “distanced.” In fact, in some ways, we are closer than ever. We are using our virtual spaces to check in on students, asking them open-ended questions, and allowing them to share their experiences.