Teacher talking to parents at Westbridge Academy - Private Special Education School, Bloomfield, NJ

We’ve got what your kids need

Your kids are acting out in school; they’re misbehaving; their emotions are out of control; they’re easily influenced by friends or you’re worrying that they might be experimenting with drugs or hanging with the wrong crowd.  We understand how frustrating these and other problems can be for parents.  We also understand that kids sometimes need extra attention that traditional schools simply can’t provide.  That’s where Westbridge Academy comes in.

We have a team of experienced teachers who understand how to help students with these kind of challenges.  For nearly 40 years, we’ve worked with kids who are struggling.  We’ve seen it all.

We take great care to ensure that your children are learning, growing and overcoming the emotional or behaviorial challenges that have limited them in the past.  And we do this fundamental work in a safe, friendly and nurturing environment in which your child can achieve.

We know that sometimes it may be a difficult decision to move your child out of a public school setting, but sometimes it’s the best decision you can make.  And it doesn’t have to be permanent.  Our goal is to prepare students for a successful return to their school district as quickly as possible, so they can continue their lives with the comfort of knowing they’ll be on track academically and socially.

As a parent, you are a critical partner in your child’s education.  You know your child best, and we have the expertise to help.  Together we can make all the difference in the world for your child.  Interested in learning more?  Give us a call and let’s talk about it – 973-429-8110.

School Anti-Bullying Coordinator Contact Information: Carrie-Anne Walsh Psy.M., School Psychologist, Telephone: 973-429-8110.

CLICK HERE to read Westbridge Academy’s full Policy Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.