If your mental health needs or situation are URGENT, or you feel you are in crisis…


DIAL 1-800-273-8255 to reach The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). (https://afsp.org/)
The organization is dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those impacted by suicide.

TEXT 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. (https://www.crisistextline.org/text-us/)
Crisis doesn’t just mean thinking about ending your own life. It’s any painful emotion and anytime you need support. Your opening message can say anything. Keywords like “HOME,” “START” and “HELLO” just help us identify how people hear about us.

DIAL 1-855-654-6735 for 24/7 Mental Health support from NJ Hope Line for New Jersey residents. (https://njhopeline.com/)

Mental Health Information and Support Resources

  • Quick Reference Mental Health Guide – A 9-page user-friendly quick reference guide with links to state services, national resources and strategies and practices to address the mental health needs of New Jersey’s students and educators.
  • Parents Anonymous – A list of county based support groups.
  • NJ 211 – A rich directory of helplines and referral sources.
  • Mom2Mom – Mothers with special needs children are at risk for depression and related disorders. Mom2Mom offers 24/7 peer support, clinical assessment, referrals and support groups. Call: 1-877-914-6662.
  • 2nd Floor Youth Helpline – A confidential and anonymous helpline for New Jersey’s youth and young adults ages 10-25. Trained staff help callers find solutions to the problems they face at home, at school or at play. Call 888-222-2228 anytime. Text: 888-222-2228.
    2nd Floor en español es un lugar especial para ti. Es un lugar que te da la oportunidad de hablar con un consejero sobre las preguntas y las situaciones que estan ocurriendo en tu vida. Nuestros consejeros esperan tu llamada para ayudar y escuchar. La llamada es gratis y puedes llamar a las 24 horas del día. 2nd floor en Espanol respeta tu privacidad, individualidad y nuestros consejeros son muy adeptos y sensitivos a tu situacion particular. Nuestros consejeros pasan por un entrenamiento riguroso para poder escuchar, ayudar y guiarte con completa confidencia y anonimato. La comunidad hispana del estado de Nueva Jersey forma una parte importante en la organización, 2ndfloor en Español en asegurar que estemos a tu disposición para escuchar las preocupaciones, ideas y situaciones que estén ocurriendo en tu vida. De hecho, simplemente llama a 888-222-2228 para hablar sobre cualquier tema, pregunta o situación en tu vida. Nuestros consejeros están disponibles siete dias a la semana y 24 horas al dia. Recuerde, es possible que las lineas estén ocupadas cuando llames, entonces, por favor, cuelga y vuelve a llamar de nuevo porque queremos hablar contigo para ayudarte a resolver tus preguntas y situaciones!
  • NJ Self-Help Group Clearinghouse – A list of self-help groups which are member-run, where people facing the same stressful situation come together regularly to help one another.
  • It Gets Better – The mission is to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth around the globe.
  • The Family Support Center of New Jersey – Clearinghouse of up-to-date information on national, state and local family support programs, services and disabilities. The Center offers a “One-Stop-Shopping” approach to individuals seeking information on disabilities and services by providing them with easy access to a comprehensive array of services. FSCNJ responds to the needs of families who are experiencing emotional distress and feelings of isolation, lack of information surrounding their child’s development and the services available to them.
  • NJ Mental Health Cares: Emotional Support during COVID. Call 1-866-202-HELP (4357).
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMINJ, New Jersey Chapter) is dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life for persons of all ages who are affected by mental illnesses.
  • The Mental Health Association in New Jersey – This non profit strives for mental health for children and adults through advocacy, education, training, and services. Call: 1-866-202-HELP (4357) Daily 8AM – 8PM for free emotional support from trained staff
    Solicitie apoyo emocional gratuito de personal capacitado: 1-866-202-HELP (4357) 7 dials por semana de 8AM – 8PM.

Government Agencies

Other Agencies

  • ASAH
    ASAH is a not-for-profit organization of private schools and agencies in New Jersey which provide highly specialized services to more than 11,000 infants, children and young adults with disabilities.  A new second edition of ASAH’s The Private School Option for Children with Disabilities: What Parents Need to Know, is now available.
  • National Association of Private Special Education Centers (NAPSEC)
    NAPSEC was established in 1971 to represent private specialized education programs serving individuals with disabilities and their families. NAPSEC represents early intervention services, schools, residential therapeutic centers, postsecondary college experience and adult living programs. NAPSEC members serve both publicly and privately placed individuals with disabilities.

Student Resources

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