At Westbridge Academy’s recent Anti-Bullying Assembly, Omegaman and Friends’ helped promote positive choices by combining unique feats of strength with a powerful message that inspired our students to make the right choices when it came to bullying, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, and personal achievement. The feats of strength are used as a tool to captivate and maintain the attention of the students ensuring that the message is not lost.

Omegaman teaching students kindness and antibullying stategiesSome of the concepts covered during the Assembly that align with New Jersey Learning Standards include:

Teamwork/Respect/Kindness: Students should develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. The goal is to help students understand why core ethical values (such as respect, empathy, civic mindedness, and good citizenship) are important in the local and world community.

Resilience/Anti-Bullying: Students should be able to distinguish among violence, harassment, gang violence, discrimination, and bullying and demonstrate strategies to prevent and resolve these types of conflicts. The goal here is to develop strategies to effectively resolve incidences of school and community conflict, violence, harassment, gang violence, discrimination, and bullying.

Wellness: All students should acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.